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Kurt Bumiller Memorial Scholarship

Last year was an incredibly difficult year with so many changes in the world due to the pandemic, and of course, the loss of so many loved ones.  In the last ten months, our yoga community suffered many collective losses.  In August, we were devastated by the sad news that our dear friend and yoga teacher, Kurt Bumiller, had suddenly passed. Kurt was a part of Claremont Yoga from the beginning.  From student to beloved teacher, Kurt was so interested in everything yoga, especially props.  He offered his time and support, happy to help us move all the props from the studio and store them in his home.  And when we realized we needed to stay home and practice online, he was happy to deliver props to people who wanted to use them for their home practice.

Kurt was an inspiration to all.  As a student and a teacher, he was consistent and showed up to each class with a sense of joy.  He always shared that he felt honored to teach and inspire people to stay mobile.  If there was a yoga pose that didn't work for someone, Kurt had an adjustment or prop to help.  He liked getting people one more blanket or block to support their hip or knee, etc.  He loved helping people find ease in their body and minds during their practice.

Kurt also wanted to make yoga available to everyone, even if they couldn't afford to take regular classes.  He had offered several times to create a scholarship program for people who couldn't afford classes/workshops or Teacher Training.  I had always said that sounds like a great idea, let's do it next week.  Of course, each week was busy with something and we did not get a chance to set it up.  Now, I want to change that, and help make Kurt’s vision a reality.

In honor of Kurt I would like to set up a Kurt Bumiller Memorial Scholarship Program for people in need of financial assistance to take yoga classes, workshops or our Teacher Training Program at Claremont Yoga.  We have always been able  to offer work trade to people in exchange for classes and Teacher Training.  The floors always needed sweeping, the blankets needed washing and folding.  This year we have several people who would like to take our Teacher Training Program, but do not have enough work/trade to offer.  I would like to raise funds to offer partial or full scholarships for as many as possible.  Any amount will help - $20/$50/$100 or the full amount of the training - $2800.  In order to qualify for a scholarship people would need to write an essay about their yoga journey and need for financial help.  I would also personally interview each person and assess if they would be able to commit to the program.

Please consider donating to this scholarship program that supports our Yoga Community and honors our dear friend Kurt Bumiller's Memory.

You can contribute through the following:

Venmo - @Claremontyoga
Send a check to Claremont Yoga and mail it to:
300 W Foothill Blvd. Claremont, CA 91711

 Thank you for being part of our loving yoga community. If you have any questions, please contact me.

I appreciate your consideration,
Tracy Brennan
Owner of Claremont Yoga